Thursday, 19 September 2019


It seems that talented screen and theatre actor Kate Effiong Okunnu has regained her groove.

After featuring in several Nollywood films and soap opera, the graduate of Uniport went underground to reinvent herself and has resurfaced with a big bang, a new youtube series Aunty Kate, the Body Cool Counselor which is enjoying commendable reviews and comments.
Aunty Kate
 Aunty Kate features real life topics which are treated in practical terms by Kate herself.
She also delves into the often times untouchable area of blue light topics of love and sex aside from talking about domestic violence among other societal issues.  

The star artiste employs the use of Pidgin English to buttress her points because according to her, “we want to reach every one as easily as possible without cast and class or language barrier.”

In her words “we unearth rarely discussed but topical issues that concern all aspects of life”

On the success of the show in just few weeks of hitting Youtube, Aunty Kate drops  in her inimitable voice “Na God work o. But the topics discussed are classic topics that resonate in our daily lives. Like us on youtube. Na Auntie Kate dey talk o”
Aunty Kate 


  1. Yeah she garrit.Auntie Kate is what listening to.

  2. Nice one though... but she suppose give accolade to the organisation when dey produce and market her. not too good oh!
